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Figs. 38–59 | Botanical Studies

Figs. 38–59

From: Endocarps of menispermaceous plants in Taiwan

Figs. 38–59

Menispermaceae endocarps. 38–43 Stephania cephalantha Hayata (PPI, P. H. Chen 860). 38 Lateral view, incomplete perforation. 39 Lateral view, a prominent perforation. 40 Dorsal view, transverse ridges. 41 Ventral view, vascular trace. 42 Sagittal view, seed and unequal length of limbs. 43 Sagittal view empty, intrusive ribs in locule and course of straight vascular trace through the solid condyle. 44–48 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers (PPI, P. H. Chen 416). 44 Lateral view, shape ovate with a prominent perforation. 45 Dorsal view, transverse ridges (strips). 46 Ventral view, vascular trace. 47 Sagittal view, seed and unequal length of limbs. 48 Sagittal view empty, intrusive ribs in locule and course of straight vascular trace through the solid condyle. 49–54 Stephania longa Lour. (PPI, P. H. Chen 792). 49 Lateral view, incomplete perforation. 50 Lateral view, a prominent perforation. 51. Dorsal view, transverse ridges (strips).52 Ventral view, vascular trace. 53. Sagittal view, seed and unequal length of limbs. 54 Sagittal view empty, intrusive ribs in locule and course of straight vascular trace through the solid condyle. 55–59 Stephania merrillii Diels (PPI, P. H. Chen 150). 55 Lateral view, a prominent perforation. 56 Dorsal view, transverse ridges (strips). 57 Ventral view, vascular trace. 58 Sagittal view, seed and longer seed limb. 59 Sagittal view empty, intrusive ribs in locule and course of straight vascular trace through the solid condyle. co condyle, is immature seed, ip incomplete perforation, l limb, ms mature seed, r ribs, p perforated, tr transverse ridges, vt vascular trace

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