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Fig. 9 | Botanical Studies

Fig. 9

From: Silicified bulliform cells of Poaceae: morphological characteristics that distinguish subfamilies

Fig. 9Fig. 9

A Bulliform and associated hair phytoliths of subfamily Panicoideae, morphotype Pan_I. a–j, bulliform phytoliths; k hair phytoliths. aL. gracile; bD. setigera; cE. colona; dE. crus-galli; eS. italic; fI. vicinus; gA. mutica; hM. nudum; iP. crinitum; j, kO. compositus. 1, end view; 2, lateral view; 3, top view; 4, bottom view. Bar 10 μm, all pictures are in the same scale. B Bulliform phytoliths of subfamily Panicoideae, morphotype Pan_II. aC. patens; bE. colona; cE. crus-galli; dP. purpureum; eS. plicata; fP. distichum; gC. lacryma-jobi; hI. cylindrica var. major; iM. floridulus; j, kM. sinensis. j IC005; k IC117. 1, end view; 2, lateral view. g2, i2, turned slightly to show both sides. j2, two grains attached. Bar 10 μm, all pictures are in the same scale. C Bulliform and associated hair phytoliths of subfamily Panicoideae, morphotype Pan_III. a–c bulliform phytoliths; d hair phytoliths. aB. glabra; bC. aciculatus; c dZ. mays. 1, end view; 2, lateral view. a1, turned slightly to show the lateral side. Bar 10 μm, all pictures are in the same scale. d Bulliform phytoliths of subfamily Panicoideae, morphotypes observed in only one species and those with irregular morphology. aT. latifolia; bS. spontaneum; cR. repens; dI. aristatum; eC. tortilis; fE. ophiuroides; gS. sinense; hS. bicolor. 1, end view; 2, lateral view. a1, a silicified neighboring bulliform cell attached. Bar 10 μm, all pictures are in the same scale

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