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Fig. 4 | Botanical Studies

Fig. 4

From: Asymmetric sharing of pollinator fig wasps between two sympatric dioecious fig trees: a reflection of supply and demand or differences in the size of their figs?

Fig. 4

a ITS2 neighbour joining tree of the Valisia fig wasp pollinators associated with Ficus hirta and Ficus triloba. b COI neighbour-joining tree of the pollinators associated, with sequences of Ceratosolen and Kradibia species as outgroups. Node support rates are shown. Haplotypes (V. jav_sp1_H1-H12 for Valisia javana complex sp 1 and V. esq_ H1-H16 for V. esquirolianae) are also listed together with their host figs (hir = F. hirta (black triangles), tri = F. triloba (black stars), hirt/tri = both F. hirta and F. triloba). The collecting sites of their hosts listed by haplotypes. For haplotypes of Valisia javana complex sp 1, those sequenced in this study is marked as sp 1, the others extracted from Yu et al. (2019) are marked as SP1

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