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Fig. 1 | Botanical Studies

Fig. 1

From: Ectopic expression of Lc differentially regulated anthocyanin biosynthesis in the floral parts of tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.) plants

Fig. 1

Phenotypic comparison of the intact flower and its five different parts (calyx: Cal; Petals: Pet; filaments: Fil; stamen: Sta; pistil: Pis) between SR1 (WT) and four Lc-transgenic lines grown in the greenhouse (A); quantification of total anthocyanin content in the Cal, Pet, Fil, Sta and Pis of SR1 and Lc-transgenic plants (B); In HPLC assay, the retention time of three standard anthocyanins (the cyanidin-Cya, blue peak; the delphinidin-Del, green peak; the pelargonidin-Pel, red peak) was 32.148, 37.960 and 41.213 min, respectively (C); HPLC assay of Cya concentrations in petals of SR1 and Lc-transgenic lines (D)

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