Dr. Yu-Ming Ju is a Research Fellow at Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His research focuses on taxonomy and phylogeny of fungi in the Xylariaceae, and biodiversity and biological aspects of fungi found in nests of black-winged subterranean termite (Odontotermes formosanus).
Senior Editors
Dr. Pi-Fang Chang, Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing Universiy, Taiwan
Dr. Hong-yong Fu, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Dr. Chih-Horng Kuo, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Dr. Cheng-Ruei Lee, Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Dr. Shih-Long Tu, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan