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Table 10 Effects of NPs and bulk treatments at their respective MICs used as chemical inducers on phenol activity in potato plants

From: Management of potato brown rot disease using chemically synthesized CuO-NPs and MgO-NPs

Bulks & NPs

Total phenol (mg/g fwt)



CuSO 4

2.600e ± 0.009

2.325f ± 0.004

MgSO 4

2.003 h ± 0.004

2.183 g ± 0.004


4.204b ± 0.004

4.368a ± 0.006


3.003d ± 0.004

3.091c ± 0.004

*Rhizo- N

2.208 g ± 0.005

Positive control (infected)

0.441i ± 0.006

LSD at 5%


  1. Means ± se, (a, b, c, d,….), data with the different letter are significant, while the data with the same letter within the same column are not significantly different (p < 0.05)
  2. *Rhizo-N: commercial biocide; Biotech for fertilizers and biocides, Egypt