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Table 1 Treatment detail in experimental groups of rabbits

From: Investigation of phytotherapeutic potential of herbal mixtures and their effects on salbutamol induced cardiotoxicity and hyperlipidemia in rabbits

Group no.



Normal control: only standard diet was given to animals.


Salbutamol control: rabbits were treated with salbutamol (65Ā mg/Kg) for consecutive two days. The blood sample was collected daily.


Baseline group: rabbits were treated with herbal mixture 100Ā mg/kg once daily for three weeks. The blood sample was collected.


Preventive group: rabbits were treated with herbal mixture 100Ā mg/kg and then with salbutamol (65Ā mg/Kg) for two consecutive days. The blood sample was collected daily.


Curative group: to induce cardiotoxicity, salbutamol (65Ā mg/kg) was given to rabbits for two days. Then these myocardial infracted rabbits were treated with 500Ā mg/kg of herbal mixture once daily for five days and blood samples were collected daily.


Standard drug curative group: rabbits were treated with salbutamol (65Ā mg/kg) for two days to induce cardiotoxicity. Then these cardio infarcted rabbits were treated with mixture of three standard drugs including Captopril (25Ā mg), Amlodipine Besylate (5Ā mg) and Atenolol (25Ā mg) on a daily basis for five days and blood samples were collected daily.